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Understanding and Overcoming the Diploma Divide to Shape American Politics

Is there a single change that could simultaneously increase support for climate change initiatives, defuse assaults on democracy, and decrease inequality? Yes: bridging the diploma divide between college grads and noncollege grads. Wait...isn’t it true that racial resentment predicts Trump voting better than class does? Yes: but that’s not why Trump won. Williams will untangle how race and class interact, and explain why understanding class dynamics in American politics is crucial to building a rural-urban bridge.

Register here.

Described as having "something approaching rock star status” in her field by The New York Times Magazine, Professor Joan C. Williams wrote an election night essay in 2016 that has been viewed over 3.7 million times. She is the author of White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America, which was one of the three books Joe Biden carried, dog-eared and annotated, during his 2020 presidential campaign.

December 6

Rural Progressive Populism: A Brief History

February 7

Class-Conscious Populist Messaging for Rural Working-Class Voters