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 Election 2024:  Short-term voter mobilization for the long-term win

Many of us feel acute urgency about the 2024 elections: democracy itself is on the line. We jump in to fix the short-term crisis by getting as many voters as possible to the polls. The rest, it goes, will have to wait.

But can it?  Too often, progressives and liberals have prioritized ‘turning out the base’ for the next election but given little attention to winning back large swaths of the electorate whom we once counted as allies.  Focusing only on the next election is self-defeating. We can fight like hell for a short-term win, but if we don’t also begin doing the long-term work of breaking down the country’s polarization, we’ll will find ourselves in the same state of “emergency” in 2028.

What can you do to mobilize for the 2024 election AND address the rural-urban divide?

1.      Host a RUBI Rural-Urban Divide Training for your local or state party, voter mobilization group or progressive organization.

2.      Disseminate the Rural New Deal everywhere you can - to both rural and urban elected representatives, candidates, and social and traditional media.  RUBI has resources to help.

3.      Increase progressive and liberal voter enthusiasm and turnout by sharing some of the major wins over the past three years for working people, small businesses, anti-trust and rural communities.

4.      Help galvanize voters in rural and swing districts by supporting and working with organizations committed to strengthening rural candidates, improving policies or changing the narrative in and about rural areas.

5.      Help swing more close races in districts that have rural areas by volunteering with Working America to write letters in swing districts, and by sharing “Can Democrats Succeed in Rural America?” with candidates and campaign staff and volunteers.

6.      Encourage your local progressive organization or political party to join other groups for concrete local problem solving.  Non-political community works–  fixing up houses, distributing food, cleaning up a park – can help rebuild trust, energize people who’ve given up on politics and broaden the base.

7.      Take some time to listen to Two Worlds, One Country, to read RUBI’s Rural Urban Divide Guidebook, to familiarize yourself with the Winning Jobs Narrative and other materials on our Resources page that will help you be a stronger advocate for rural communities and working people.