Types of RUBI Training

RUBI now offers three distinct training workshops, described below. We encourage you to consider hosting one of these with friends and colleagues or with progressive, rural, Democratic, environmental or social justice groups.

  • We Need Rural to Win: Preserving Our Democracy by Understanding and Overcoming the Rural Urban Divide

    Our most comprehensive workshop, examining the five underlying causes of the rural urban divide over the past 40 years, the essential role that rural voters play in federal elections, especially in the battleground states, the mistakes Democrats have made in terms of policy, communications and investment, and how to reverse Democrat losses among rural and working class voters through specific changes in how we think, act and talk.

  • The Rural New Deal: A Bottom-up Platform and Strategy for Rural Prosperity Across America

    Co-authored by RUBI and Progressive Democrats of America, the Rural New Deal provides a relatively comprehensive yet very succinct policy platform for rural renewal, revitalization and resilience. Released in Sept, 2023, the RND was written by rural people, primarily those with extensive first-hand experience in rural development and community-based solutions to housing, health care and other challenges. The RND is currently being considered for inclusion in some state party platforms and is being utilized by a variety of candidates and campaigns. This workshop will build people’s familiarity with the core elements of the RND, help them understand how the recommendations will facilitate greater rural prosperity, strengthen Democrat candidates running on the platform, and offer a range of concrete samples and tools to help increase awareness of and support for the RND, including through traditional and social media. Participants will receive a copy of the RND along with a User’s Guide.

  • Messaging Joe Biden’s Pro-rural, Pro-worker Record to Win Back Rural Voters in 2024

    The Biden Administration’s pro-worker, anti-monopoly, pro-rural record is extraordinary. Yet most rural and working-class voters know almost nothing about it. In fact, many rank and file Democrats are also unaware of the breadth and depth of these policy and investment wins. In this session, we’ll highlight some of the most important, and often lesser-known wins since 2021, and help participants consider how to most effectively message and connect these to their own communities and peoples everyday lives, including through the media.