Upcoming Events

RUBI holds monthly briefings on topics related to the rural-urban and red-blue divide. Briefings are held online the first Wednesday of the month at 4pm ET and are open to the public. Please subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of upcoming briefings.

All times are in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Big Ag and the Undoing of Rural America with Sonja Trom Eayrs

Big Ag and the Undoing of Rural America with Sonja Trom Eayrs

Throughout the country, family farmers suffer the worst impacts of CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) and other forms of industrial agriculture. But farmers are fighting back.

Sonja Trom Eayrs is a lawyer and family farmer in Minnesota and the author of Dodge County, Inc.: Big Ag and the Undoing of Rural America, a memoir of her parents' three-year legal battle against a heavily polluting CAFO adjacent to their farmShe will talk about how rural and communities have been devastated by industrial agriculture and what they can do about it.

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How the Heartland Went Red with Stephanie Ternullo

How the Heartland Went Red with Stephanie Ternullo

Why did some deindustrialized mid-western factory towns make a right-wing turn while others retained their Democratic allegiance? Stephanie Ternullo interviewed working class residents in three very different small post-industrial cities in Wisconsin, Indiana and Minnesota. Her learnings open up new possibilities for candidates to reach voters many assume have been lost for good.

Stephanie Ternullo is Assistant Professor of Government at Harvard University. Her research, including her recent book, How the Heartland Went Red: Why Local Forces Matter in an Age of Nationalized Politics, examines how local contexts shape Americans’ political behavior.

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Nebraska's Near-Miracle

Nebraska's Near-Miracle

In a state Trump won by 20-points, Independent Dan Osborn came within six points of unseating a two-term Republican incumbent Senator. Democrat Sarah Keyeski defeated the Republican incumbent in her rural Wisconsin state senate race. Dan and Sarah will talk about their campaigns, what they ran on, and what they see as the keys to their success.

Dan Osborn served in the United States Navy, Nebraska Army National Guard, and has punched a clock for 20 years as an industrial mechanic. As president of his union, he led the successful 2021 Kellogg’s strike in Omaha, preserving hundreds of middle-class jobs. In 2024, Dan ran for United States Senate as an independent, over-performing the presidential ballot by more than nearly any other Senate candidate in the country. Dan did it all without taking a dime from the corporations and party bosses that control Washington.

Sarah Keyeski grew up on a dairy farm and went on to work as a Licensed Professional Counselor. The founder of Lift Lodi, a local community service group, Sarah was asked by community members to run for Senate and run she did!

Register here and we'll see you on Feb 5 at 4pm ET.

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Stolen Pride in Kentucky with Arlie Hochschild

Stolen Pride in Kentucky with Arlie Hochschild

Join us for a conversation with Arlie Hochschild about her new book, Stolen Pride: Loss, Shame, and the Rise of the Right. Arlie has spent the last few years talking with blue collar men in Pikesville, Kentucky about their lives, their dreams and their disappointments. The men in her book wonder whether or not their jobs, their region, and their self-worth have simply been lost or—as Donald Trump tells them about the 2020 election—have been “stolen.”

Arlie's first book, Strangers in Their Own Land, helped form the backbone of RUBI's understanding of the rural-urban divide. Robert Reich describes her insights as compassionate, illuminating, and deeply moving...we agree!

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RUBI's 2024 Election Briefing: The Role of Rural Voters

RUBI's 2024 Election Briefing: The Role of Rural Voters

Win, lose or draw, this is the one election post-mortem rural politicos won't want to miss. Our panelists will crunch the numbers and analyze voting behavior to get a picture of who voted, how they voted, and why. We'll examine national rural voting patterns and then zoom in for a closer look at North Carolina, Montana, Penn, and mid-western factory towns. Join us for this special briefing.

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How Progressive Populists Can Depolarize Politics and Build a Working Class Majority

How Progressive Populists Can Depolarize Politics and Build a Working Class Majority

Meet the man who "brought the class war to the DNC." John Russell, a self-described "dirtbag journalist", is a labor and class politics reporter for More Perfect Union and has his own Substack called The Holler ("class politics for rednecks and hippies"). An Appalachian, Ohio Valley native who ran for Congress, John made his way to the 2024 DNC mainstage where he gave an electrifying speech calling on working class Americans to come together for control of our government and workplaces. John has also produced a viral video where he interviewed Trump supporters at a rally in Erie, PA. 

We'll screen John's short, powerful speech and the fascinating ten-minute video during the briefing.

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How to Create Non-Partisan Voter Guides

How to Create Non-Partisan Voter Guides

Karuna Koppula will show us how to create simple, non-partisan voter guides. These guides can be distributed in local and statewide races as a non-polarizing means of informing disengaged voters of the candidates' positions on key issues of importance to local voters. This is something we hope RUBI supporters will form teams and try out during this electoral cycle. If you are part of an Indivisible chapter or other local group with a neutral-sounding name, voter guides are an underutilized, very impactful thing you can do to help move vote margins. Come learn how to do it --it's not that hard!

Karuna Koppula is Vice President of Administration at the Center for Voter Information. Before joining CVI, she was the Deputy Director for Political Engagement at the Analyst Institute, where she worked with internal and external partners to deploy evidence-driven strategies.

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Investing in Rural America Roundtable


RUBI has been helping the USDA plan and organize a series of “Rural Investment Roundtables” in several different states. Each roundtable will elevate and feature several local groups or businesses doing effective, innovative work to solve local problems and revitalize rural economies, ranging from affordable housing to sustainable farming to economic development and health care. In addition to the local innovators, each gathering will also feature staff from USDA and other federal agencies, discussing how they work with and support these bottom-up local efforts. The first one is scheduled for Blacksburg, Virginia from 2 – 3:30 pm on August 8th.

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Depolarizing Rural Campaigns

Depolarizing Rural Campaigns

RUBI's own co-founder and Communications Director, Erica Etelson, will share highlights from two new RUBI resources: The Back Road to 2024: 8 Ways to Depolarize Rural Electoral Campaigns and Talk Like a Neighbor: Communication Tips for Rural Candidates. In this era of peak polarization, left-leaning candidates who can defuse partisan hostility stand a better chance of appealing to soft Republicans, swing voters, and the "exhausted majority" of the electorate. Erica is the author of Beyond Contempt: How Liberals Can Communicate Across the Great Divide and co-writes the Rethinking Rural column for The Nation.

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Rural Assembly Everywhere: Rural Urban Divide Training

Rural Assembly Everywhere: Rural Urban Divide Training

Join the Rural Urban Bridge Initiative (RUBI) at this year’s Rural Assembly Everywhere for a training about the origins of the rural-urban divide. At the training, you’ll engage with information and suggestions for how to navigate and lessen the divide. The objective of this workshop is to gain the skills to find mutual understanding and common ground, defuse hostility and contempt in conversations and relationships, and build multi-racial working and middle-class rural solidarity between rural, suburban, and urban dwellers. RUBI’s practical solutions are based on research by our own and other scholars, as well as the personal experiences of rural progressive organizers.

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Why the Path to Winning in 2024 Must Include Rural

Why the Path to Winning in 2024 Must Include Rural

As we get closer to the November election, many progressive and Democratic strategists advise a focus on “turning out the base,” while others prioritize persuading independents and other potentially movable voters. But what if “the base” for progressive and Democratic candidates is shifting? And what if one of the biggest blocs of potential voters for Joe Biden and Democratic candidates – working class and rural people – is showing signs of shifting their votes away from MAGA Republicans towards more populist progressive representatives? In this presentation, Sarah Jaynes, Founder and Executive Director of the Rural Democracy Initiative, will provide an overview of fascinating new rural polling and the work of more than 100 organizations and initiatives making headway in rural America. Sarah will also highlight some candidates running in rural districts with a strong chance of winning.

Register here.

Sarah Jaynes is executive director of the Rural Democracy Initiative. She grew up in a small town on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state and began her career organizing on climate issues in rural communities. Since then, she’s been a trailblazer in the progressive movement. Sarah led the development of one of the first state progressive donor networks—Washington’s Progress Alliance—and has coached emerging donor alliances from Alaska to New Hampshire to Alabama as a senior advisor to Committee on States. Sarah is recognized for her expertise leading innovative campaigns integrating field experiments, digital platforms, and transformative narrative, and manages to stay relentlessly optimistic and obsessed with winning. An organizer at heart, Sarah has dedicated 30 years to working for shared prosperity, democracy, and a healthy environment. 

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Fox Populism: How Conservative Media Captured the Working Class

Fox Populism: How Conservative Media Captured the Working Class

In 2000, Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly told a Washington Post reporter, “We’re the only show from a working-class point of view.” Liberals and progressives found this laughable. O’Reilly’s show and Fox News constantly boosted a party inflicting deep wounds on working-class people: undermining unions, blocking more affordable health care, and starving public services through tax cuts on the rich. How could he possibly represent a working-class audience? In this presentation, communication scholar Reece Peck explains how conservative media producers learned to effectively brand political conservatism as blue-collar by appealing to working-class taste, knowledge, and morality.

Register here.

Reece Peck is an Associate Professor at the College of Staten Island and the CUNY Graduate Center and is the author of Fox Populism: Branding Conservatism as Working Class (Cambridge, 2019. He provides commentary for outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Forbes. He was among a select group of media scholars asked to provide written testimony to the Congressional Investigatory Committee on the January 6 Capitol riot. Peck grew up in an LDS family and was a member of Utah's first McNair Scholars program for first-generation college graduates.

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May Briefing: Turning Power Struggle into Constructive Conversation with Sharon Strand Ellison

May Briefing: Turning Power Struggle into Constructive Conversation with Sharon Strand Ellison

Sharon Strand Ellison will demonstrate how to engage in productive discourse with people across the political divide. She will show how, even in high conflict situations, we can defuse defensiveness, understand other people’s point of view, and effectively share our own.

This special 2-hour briefing is the fourth and final of our communications series. During the first hour, Sharon will present core Powerful Non-Defensive Communication™ principles. For those who can stay on, the second hour will be devoted to Q&A and role playing in response to your specific communications dilemmas.

If you’ve been putting off that hard conversation with your sister or neighbor—or if you plan on campaigning this Fall--this one’s for you!


Sharon Strand Ellison, author of Taking the War Out of Our Words, received a Kaplan award as a pioneer in the field of communication. In addition to dozens of clients in the education, government, corporate and non-profit sectors, she has coached hundreds of political activists and politicians, including Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts, in how to effectively debate and engage without getting into power struggle. 

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April Briefing: What Do White Rural Women Want?

April Briefing: What Do White Rural Women Want?

For Part 3 of RUBI's communication series, we'll hear from Ariel Volk and Kristin Wheeler from Galvanize Action. They'll provide a deep dive on who the most movable rural women voters are and how to effectively reach and move them across key issues like the economy, abortion, and immigration. Galvanize Action works at the intersection of data science, behavioral psychology, and neuroscience to find women who want progress on key issues but aren’t reliably playing a role to get us there, connect with them on their values, and impact their civic behavior.

Register here.

Ariel Volk (she/her) is the Strategic Initiatives Director for Galvanize.  Ariel has spent her career advocating for democracy and human rights issues, including access to reproductive healthcare and US funding for the United Nations.

Kristin Wheeler (she/her), Galvanize's chief strategy officer, resides in rural Washington state. She has two decades of experience as a grassroots organizer, non-violent direct action campaigner, and strategic advisor.

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The Winning Jobs Narrative

The Winning Jobs Narrative

Senior Advisor Bobby Clark will share messaging highlights from the Winning Jobs Narrative's (WJN) extensive research with thousands of voters. WJN focuses on building connections with working class voters across race and geography to win elections and build strong majorities for a progressive economic agenda. Learn core WJN principles along with specific poll-tested messages on high priority issues for the 2024 election.

Bobby is a communications strategist who advises political, philanthropic and advocacy organizations, including the Winning Jobs Narrative and the Heartland Fund. An alumnus of Howard Dean’s presidential campaign, Bobby went on to help found ProgressNow, a network of state-based communications organizations across the country focused on driving a progressive agenda and winning elections.

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Class-Conscious Populist Messaging for Rural Working-Class Voters

Class-Conscious Populist Messaging for Rural Working-Class Voters

Jared Abbott, Director of the Center for Working-Class Politics, will share key insights from two major treasure troves of research: Trump's Kryptonite: How Progressives Can Win Back the Working Class and Common Sense Solidarity. Come learn more about what ordinary rural voters of all races want from candidates and what rhetoric resonates the most with them. This briefing is the first of RUBI's 4-part series on effective communication across lines of difference.

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Understanding and Overcoming the Diploma Divide to Shape American Politics

Understanding and Overcoming the Diploma Divide to Shape American Politics

Is there a single change that could simultaneously increase support for climate change initiatives, defuse assaults on democracy, and decrease inequality? Yes: bridging the diploma divide between college grads and noncollege grads. Wait...isn’t it true that racial resentment predicts Trump voting better than class does? Yes: but that’s not why Trump won. Williams will untangle how race and class interact, and explain why understanding class dynamics in American politics is crucial to building a rural-urban bridge.

Register here.

Described as having "something approaching rock star status” in her field by The New York Times Magazine, Professor Joan C. Williams wrote an election night essay in 2016 that has been viewed over 3.7 million times. She is the author of White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America, which was one of the three books Joe Biden carried, dog-eared and annotated, during his 2020 presidential campaign.

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Rural Progressive Populism: A Brief History

Rural Progressive Populism: A Brief History

Thomas Frank presents an overview of the underappreciated and unfairly maligned progressive populist movement that began in the late 19th century and achieved major victories well into the 20th century. Could rural progressives reignite such a movement today? Let's mull it over with historian Thomas Frank, author of The People, No: A Brief History of Anti-Populism, Listen, Liberal, and What's The Matter with Kansas?

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Anthony Flaccavento: “Why Do They Hate Us? Overcoming the Rural Urban Divide” Lyceum

Anthony Flaccavento: “Why Do They Hate Us? Overcoming the Rural Urban Divide” Lyceum

Over the past twenty years, America has become deeply divided on many fronts, including between rural and urban people. The divide, which encompasses economics, culture and politics, not only hurts rural communities like southwestern Virginia but also makes action on climate change, wealth inequality and racial and social justice all but impossible. What are the underlying causes of the divide and what can be done about it? Join local farmer, author and former congressional candidate, Anthony Flaccavento as he leads a discussion about the divide, the Rural New Deal and other steps to overcome it.

Anthony Flaccavento is a farmer and rural development consultant from Abingdon, VA. The author of Building a Healthy Economy from the Bottom Up and numerous essays published in The New York Times, Newsweek, The Nation, and elsewhere, he is co-founder and director of the Rural Urban Bridge Initiative.

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Is Racial Resentment the Basis for Trump's Appeal?

Is Racial Resentment the Basis for Trump's Appeal?

With Trump likely to be on the ballot again, a burning mystery looms: What drives white working-class voters to support Trump? Can it all be chalked up to racism? University of Pennsylvania political scientist William Marble will present his brand new analysis of the role that racial resentment and other cultural and economic concerns played in white working-class vote choice in past elections.

Understanding what drives vote choice is crucial as we head into an election year. We hope you can attend this special briefing and draw your own takeaways for reaching out to rural swing voters.

William Marble is a political scientist at the University of Pennsylvania’s Program for Opinion Research and Election Studies and an Elections Analyst at the NBC News Decision Desk. His research explores how political geography, the economy, and social arrangements influence electoral coalitions and public opinion, and he develops statistical methods to improve our understanding of public opinion. His work has been published in leading political science journals and covered by news outlets including the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, and the Economist. He received his Ph.D. in political science from Stanford University and previously worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University.

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How the Rural New Deal Could Shake up National Politics and Support Strong Rural Communities

How the Rural New Deal Could Shake up National Politics and Support Strong Rural Communities

On September 12 th the Rural Urban Bridge Initiative and Progressive Democrats of America jointly released the Rural New Deal, a wide-ranging template for transformative federal action that would spur investment in bottom-up approaches to building rural prosperity and turn back corporate concentration and control. While the Rural New Deal is broad in scope, it is grounded in community-based strategies that work. On Wednesday, October 4 th at 4pm Eastern, join RUBI co-founder, Cody Lonning as he discusses the RND with the primary authors, Anthony Flaccavento of RUBI and Alan Minsky, Director of Progressive Democrats of America, along with Marilyn Wrenn from Coalfield Development utilizing some of the strategies the document recommends.

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September Briefing: The Fundamentals of Working Class Organizing with George Goehl

September Briefing: The Fundamentals of Working Class Organizing with George Goehl

George Goehl led People's Action for 15 years. Currently, he is helping launch new organizing projects to engage working class people who are not progressive, training organizers how to do the work, and telling the story of what's possible when we reach beyond the choir and engage a "bigger we."  George's Working Class Campaigns training debuted in July and will be offered again this Fall, along with a 2-hour "Keep It Simple" workshop designed to help organizers locate the common sense language that once made organizing so powerful.

George will give us an overview of his new training initiative, why he launched it, and a bit about its core principles. If you're not familiar with George--or even if you are--this presentation promises to be inspiring, insightful and useful.

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