Community Works
The Community Works initiative (“CWorks”) is one of our most important strategies for depolarizing the red-blue divide in rural communities.
Our Community Works pilot launched with volunteers from local Democratic Committees in four rural Virginia counties in the summer and fall of 2023. We are launching four more counties in rural Georgia in 2024. The goal is to build relationships and trust across political differences by working together to address local needs.
County CWorks Teams determine their activities based on local needs assessments. Projects are then undertaken in collaboration with local civic, church, school, and community groups. Activities have included road and river clean-ups, home repair, food distribution, diaper drives, and kids’ art classes and crafts activities at a Community Recreation Center and Farmers Market.
Working with a team of political scientists, RUBI is monitoring whether partisan animus is reduced in counties with a CWorks program compared to neighboring counties without such a program.
RUBI provides each CWorks pilot county with resources to launch the program, hire a part-time local coordinator, and help pay for rent and supplies.